This library contains some helper classes to ease the development of Castor3D engine.
- File management base class
- BinaryFile and TextFile specialisations
- FileParser, a brace file parser, along with its FileParserContext
- Loader base class
- BinaryLoader and TextLoader specialisations
- ZipArchive
- Collection, a thread-safe container
- Factory
- Named
- NonCopyable
- Unique
- Colour and ColourComponent
- ContainerBox, CubeBox and SphereBox
- Font, Glyph
- Image
- PixelFormat, Pixel and PxBuffer, to manage pixel conversions
- Position, Size
- Angle conversions
- Coords, to have a point class which doesn't own its data
- Point, to have a point class which owns its data
- Line (2D and 3D) equations
- Matrix and SquareMatrix
- Plane equations
- Quaternion
- SphericalVertex
- Rectangle
- Template math functions (such as exp, ln, ...)
- BlockTracker and BlockTimer
- Console and Logger
- PreciseTimer
- DynamicLibrary
- Resource
- DynamicLibrary